Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MTC Drop-off

Well, today was Drew's big day! He entered the MTC at 1 pm, full of smiles, joy, and excitement. We kept asking him if he was getting nervous, but he said only a little bit. This kid is READY to be on his mission! We stuffed the car as full as we could (one car drop-off limit per family). Literally, I was sitting on Ryan's lap, he was squishing Aunt Missy, who was probably squishing grandpa, too. :) My family is the best in the entire world. I am so thankful for the support they show us constantly! I know Drew feels it as well. When we pulled up, we all scrambled out of the car as fast as we could because we knew we would only have a few seconds with Drew. My mom and I took up most of the hugs, but that's okay I think. ;) I think I hugged Drew 4 times before Ryan finally peeled my arms from around his gigantic self. As he walked away, all I kept thinking was, "Wow. There goes one of Heaven's finest, off to fight a valiant battle." He looked so amazing. He turned around only once, and then was off on his merry little way. I still can't believe he's gone. It's exciting and surreal all at the same time. Sure, I've had plenty of breakdowns today (and even in my sleep apparently), but one thing is for certain; I KNOW that Drew is going to the perfect mission for him, a mission that will allow him to fully bloom and grow in the way he was intended to. I know that he is going to use that genuine kindness of his to meet wonderful people to teach and love. Who know's if we'll ever get him back from Ohio! I have a feeling they are going to love him too much to send him back. :) Here's to your best 2 years, bud!


  1. Lex,

    Elder Hatch will make Heavenly Father so proud to have called him on his mission! I am sure you all are feeling the blessings already

  2. The hug pictures are so sweet. I know he will be missed while he is serving for 2 years but i know he will make such an impact on so many people's lives. Elder Drew, you made a great decision.

  3. I love that first picture of him. Genuine happiness right there :)
