Monday, February 18, 2013

First letters from OHIO!

After having to stalk someone else's blog to find out how Drew was doing, we FINALLY heard from him again! It was such a great relief to know that he is in fact alive and in Ohio, safe and sound! Here are a few snippets from his emails this week!

Hello Lex Bo Bex!!! I'd like to give you a list of some things that have happened, because a lot has happened in the past week. Here it is:

- My very first contact with someone in the field was when we were tracting a sketchy trailer park. There was a guy digging a hole for no reason near his trailer home. When we walked up to him, he took out his phone and was probably pretending to talk to someone. We walked up to him and waited for a few incredibly long minutes as he kept up his imaginary conversation. Elder Hansen (my companion) greeted him, and asked what he was doing. He said, "I'm digging a hole, what does it look like I'm doing?" And we politely introduced ourselves and talked a little bit about what we believed in, gave him a pass along card and told him to look us up, and went on our way. 

- Right after this, we walked by a window with a barking chihuahua dressed in a pink sweater was putting his paws up on the window.

- In the first home I went into, I stepped in dog poo in my brand new Rockports that I wore to look good for the mission president earlier that morning.

- I have gotten on my knees and prayed more than ever before in my life

- My first workout, I about passed out because I was trying to keep up with my companion who is a football player turned musical theater guy. 

- I helped move a family who was being evicted out of their house and into their new one. They were so grateful.

- I taught a 40 minute gospel doctrine lesson in Church with a night's notice on repentance. It was the best I think I've ever taught in my life because I prepared so hard for it. Fully grown adults in the class were asking ME questions about the principles of repentance!! It was amazing.

- We were rejected in door contacting (tracting) by a white lady who said she was Muslim, knew everything about Jesus Christ, and believed in Buddha.

Anyways, more experiences will come to me later, but I can't think of them right now. Love you LEX!!

- Love Elder Hatch

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